I.C.O.N. Lifestyle Magazine

We are very excited to  share our New interview page with our supporters. Here you will share in the  experience of watching or listening to I.C.O.N. as we are being interviewed by various Radio, Television, and Podcast platforms.  It gives us pleasure in being transparent and we are thrilled to share in this experience  because “We Are Nothing Without Our Supporters.”    Thank you from the entire Team at I.C.O.N. Lifestyle Magazine.

Fanny Minnitt Interview Trustan Alexander Graphics and Layout Designer

I.C.O.N. LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE News & Interviews, We are dedicated to Inspired and innovative individuals who are creating outstanding newsworthy accomplishments.


Gretchel Dixon One of ICON writer's

I.C.O.N. LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE News & Interviews, We are dedicated to Inspired and innovative individuals who are creating outstanding newsworthy accomplishments.


Serena I.C.O.N. Campaign Coachsulting using fun Contest

I.C.O.N. LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE News & Interviews, We are dedicated to Inspired and innovative individuals who are creating outstanding newsworthy accomplishments.

She has been in the Coaching and Consulting Business since 2011. She developed CSEC to help Coaches, Consultants, and Instructors expand their client base in their niche and help them to receive a great ROI (Return On Investment).

Whether it's to design website, published a book/magazine or create an online coaching suite she is skilled at clarifying, designing and completing the overall project in a timing fashion.
